Global AI Regulation Tracker ๐ŸŒ

An interactive world map that tracks AI regulatory and policy developments around the world. Click on a region (or use the search bar) to view its profile. Other features are also available to support your research of AI regulation. This website is updated regularly (including new regions to be added).

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Search for two countries/regions that have full profiles are available and press the "Compare" button to generate an analysis of their similarities and differences in AI. The analysis is produced in real time by generative AI (GPT) based on the information in this tracker.

The analysis is only intended to be a starting point for your own independent research - due to the limitations of generative AI, the analysis might not always be accurate.

Check out the latest AI legal, regulation and policy news around the world, curated by an algorithm from various sources published within the past 5 days.

Links to external sources are provided for convenience only, and we do not claim any copyright to these external sources. We do not warrant the accuracy, quality, safety, relevance, legality or fitness for purpose of the curated external sources.

Want more tech law news? Check out my Global Tech Law Newsfeed which curates the latest news relevant to various technology law topics such as AI, blockchain, metaverse, quantum, privacy, online safety, social media, autonomous vehicles, intellectual property and cybersecurity (free to use, no login required).

Here's a recommended list of suggested articles, opinions and reports for your further reading.

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Our Advantage

Global AI Regulation Tracker is one of the most comprehensive, interactive, and up-to-date resources on AI regulation and policy in the world:

  • โœ”๏ธ Wide global coverage of countries (especially the Global South) that are not normally covered on other trackers.
  • โœ”๏ธ Simple and easy map of AI regulations, for users of all backgrounds.
  • โœ”๏ธ Original commentary and insights provided in addition to original sources and summaries.
  • โœ”๏ธ Updated regularly (several times per week) so that you get the latest information.
  • โœ”๏ธ Unique side features like 'Compare Countries', 'Newsfeed' and 'Recommended Reading' that supplement your learning and research.
  • โœ”๏ธ Free & Accessible. No paywall and no login. This whole website is free to access, making us the go-to resource for AI regulation updates.

Our Users

  • Users: 11,000+
  • Top regions: USA (18%), Australia (16%), UK (13%), Germany (5%), India (5%).
  • Audience demographic: Founders, Lawyers & Legal Counsel and Consultants.

How you can support

I am committed to providing my website FREE for the community. I have built and maintained this website entirely by myself, using my own time and money.

If you find this website useful and want to keep it free, please consider supporting it by donating or sponsoring! Any contributions would be greatly appreciated and will go towards covering the costs of running the website and funding the development of new features.

All amounts are exclusive of applicable taxes.


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Coming soon! A list of donor names will be displayed here soon.